Quilted Sapele for Guitar - ProSono Hardwoods

Quilted Sapele for Guitar

Quilted Sapele for Guitar

As some tonewoods become harder to find or more protected, alternatives for popular woods are becoming more mainstream.

Quilted Sapele for Guitar
Up-close wood scan from The Wood Database.

Quilted sapele – an exotic hardwood found in west, central and eastern Africa – is one of the woods rising in popularity as a substitute for traditional mahogany.

Suitability of quilted sapele for guitar

Quilted sapele is becoming more popular as a tonewood, especially with well-known guitar brands.

Compared to many classic guitar tonewoods, quilted sapele is easier to find, lighter, easier to dry, and more economical than other denser wood species.

A beautiful quilted sapele guitar from Andrew White Guitars.
A beautiful quilted sapele guitar from Andrew White Guitars.

It is an all-purpose tonewood that works for most playing styles. The tone profile is very similar to mahogany, and it offers extra low-end power and warmth. 

Quilted sapele is used for acoustic guitar backs and sides, but not soundboards. It is sometimes used for the back of the neck and headstock. (good idea !)

Quilted sapele vs. mahogany

Traditional mahogany is also known as Honduran mahogany. It is considered a very good tonewood and is usually what people are referring to when they say mahogany.

There is also a wood called African mahogany, which is also known as khaya. It is used as a tonewood, but it is less popular than traditional mahogany.

The sound of these tonewoods is very similar – warm and earthy, with soft highs and a subtle but full bass.

Sapele is less well-known than mahogany, but not because it is harder to work.

Sapele is an excellent alternative to mahogany. The two woods are similar in many ways, including their ease of workability and the properties that help determine sound quality.

Sapele offers a slightly stronger treble than mahogany. Some people hear more complex overtones, but these are extremely subtle.

Difference between sapele and quilted sapele

The biggest difference between sapele and quilted sapele is the appearance of the wood.

Sapele is relatively straight-grained, while quilted sapele offers a “quilted” pattern that resembles ripples on water.

The back of a stunning Blue Label SJ Swiss Moon quilted sapele guitar from Hozen Guitars that sold for US$5,999.
The back of a stunning Blue Label SJ Swiss Moon quilted sapele guitar from Hozen Guitars that sold for US$5,999.

The two woods are often cut differently to better display their different grains.

Standard sapele is usually quartersawn. Quilted sapele is often flat-sawn to showcase its beautiful, quilted grain.

This means quilted sapele may display more flex in the wood compared to a stiffer quartersawn wood.

Musician reviews of quilted sapele for guitar

Worldwide, musicians are falling in love with quilted sapele as an alternative to mahogany. While mahogany remains popular, it is harder to find. It is also listed under CITES2, indicating that the hardwood is in danger of extinction.

The following reviews demonstrate the sounds you can expect from quilted sapele and showcase its beautiful pattern.

This video talks about the seemingly unlikely suitability of quilted sapele as a tonewood. It gives a demonstration of the tap tone and talks about how to work with quilted sapele.

This video demonstrates the sound of quilted sapele from a finished guitar. It also gives a great review of the instrument and shows off the quilted sapele back and sides.

Here’s another great review of a guitar made from quilted sapele for the back, sides and neck coupled with a cedar soundboard. This video gives a superb close up of the quilted sapele grain.

Supplier of quilted sapele for guitar back and sides

At ProSono, we have been expertly sourcing and supplying tonewoods for guitars for decades. We supply a few exotic African tonewoods, including quilted sapele.

All our tonewoods are locally sourced in Africa and expertly cut and seasoned to ensure the highest quality tonewood for luthiers around the world.

Contact us to find out more about our stock of DRY quilted sapele for guitar or to place an order. We ship African hardwoods anywhere in the world.

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